Works A-Z

The text of this song, along with instructions for its performance, were published in Ha-Zamir (Odessa, 1903: p. 20). According… read more

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The text of this song was published in Ha-Zamir [The Nightingale] (Odessa, 1903: p. 1), an anthology of children’s songs… read more

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This song was published in Ha-Zamir (Odessa, 1903: p. 12), with instructions that Idelsohn omitted in Sefer Ha-Shirim. The first… read more

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This piyyut by the medieval Spanish poet Yehuda Ha-Levi (1075-1141) is sung during the morning service on the seventh day… read more

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This song was written and published by Yaakov Cohen (1881-1960), as the opening poem to the first volume of his… read more

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The source and the author of the text have not been identified. “Shir ‘arev” depicts the end of a summer… read more

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Although Idelsohn wrote in Sefer Ha-Shirim that the source of this song is the anthology Ha-Zamir, the song is not… read more

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The source of the song has not been identified. The subject of “Ha-menagnim” is musicians, whose performance brings joy to… read more

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The source of this song and its author are unidentified. In “Ha-zevuv”, the singer warns a fly to flee for… read more

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This song was published in Mikraot Le-Talmidim Be-vet Ha-sefer U’be-vet Ha-av [Reader for Pupils in School and at Home], edited… read more

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The text of this song was published in Mikraot Le-Talmidim Be-Vet Ha-Sefer U’Be–Vet Ha-Av, edited by Ben-Ami (Odessa: 1905: p.… read more

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This piece, written by the cantor-composer Louis Lewandowsky for a four-voice choir, was published in volume two of his Todah… read more

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